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Average Salary Cruise Ship Photographer

Cruise Ship Photographer Salary: How Much Do They Make?

Annual Salary and Monthly Earnings

The estimated total pay for a Cruise Ship Photographer is $55,567 per year. On a monthly basis, the average salary ranges from $2,500 to $3,500 for Senior Photographers.

Salary Range and Job Levels

The salary range for a Cruise Photographer job varies depending on experience and job level. In the United States, the range is from $34,316 to $51,780 per year. Entry-level Gallery Photographers typically earn around $1,100-1,300 per month.

Average Salary in Different Regions

The average salary for a Cruise Ship Photographer varies by region. In the United States, the average annual salary is $46,227. In 2013, Cruise International reported average monthly salaries of $2,000 to $2,200 for Cruise Ship Photographers.
