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Solar Storm Brings Northern Lights To The Us

Aurora Borealis Lights Up Utah Night Skies

Solar Storm Brings Northern Lights to the US

April 24, 2023

A solar storm is hitting Earth this weekend, bringing views of the northern lights to the US. The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, is a natural light display in the sky, primarily visible at high latitude regions. It is caused by the interaction of the solar wind with the Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind is a stream of charged particles emitted from the Sun that interact with the Earth's magnetic field, causing the particles to be guided towards the poles. When these charged particles enter the Earth's atmosphere, they collide with gas particles, causing the ionization or excitation of these particles. The ionized particles then release photons, producing the characteristic colors of the aurora. The colors produced depend on the type of gas particle that is excited. Nitrogen produces green and red auroras, while oxygen produces blue and purple auroras.

The aurora borealis is typically visible in the northern hemisphere at high latitudes, such as Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia. However, during strong solar storms, the aurora can be visible at lower latitudes, such as the US. The current solar storm is expected to produce strong aurora displays across the northern US, including parts of Utah.

The aurora borealis is a beautiful and awe-inspiring sight. If you live in an area where the aurora is expected to be visible, be sure to look up and enjoy the show!
